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Qualifying for a Mortgage to Buy a New Home in Farmington Hills, MI

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Qualifying for a Mortgage to Buy a New Home in Farmington Hills, MI

Qualifying for a Mortgage to Buy a New Home in Farmington Hills, MI

If you’re looking to buy a new home purchase in Farmington Hills, Michigan, qualifying for a mortgage should be one of your top priorities. Here are some tips to help you get approved for the best possible mortgage rate and terms:

Know Your Credit Score

Your credit score is one of the main factors lenders use to evaluate your mortgage application. Aim for a credit score of at least 720, qualifying you for better interest rates. Pay down debts, correct any errors on your report, and maintain low credit card balances relative to your limit.

Save for a Down Payment

In today’s competitive market, you’ll stand out by providing a 20% down payment or more on a new home. This allows you to avoid private mortgage insurance (PMI). Have savings and investment funds ready to show lenders.

Lower Your Debt-to-Income Ratio

Lenders look at your total monthly debts divided by gross monthly income. Keep this ratio below 36%. Pay down loans, consolidate high-interest debts, and try to boost your income with a promotion, new job, or side gig.

Get Preapproved

Work with a trusted lender to get pre-qualified and then preapproved for a mortgage in advance. This shows sellers you are a serious buyer who has already done the homework. Lock in a great interest rate early.

Review New Home Prices

New construction homes in Farmington Hills span a wide range of prices, from around $300,000 to over $1 million. Crunch the numbers to set a comfortable price range for your budget and the mortgage amount you can qualify for.

Lean on a Mortgage Broker

An experienced mortgage broker knows the ins and outs of qualifying and can recommend the right loan products and lenders for your financial situation. Rely on their expertise.

By taking these proactive steps in advance, you’ll be in a strong position when you make an offer on the perfect new construction home. In Farmington Hills’ competitive housing market, being mortgage-ready is key.

Click here for our FREE Home Purchase Qualifier!!!

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